Tuesday, August 13, 2002

The angel of mad times

Very strange. The angel of mad times has extended its wings full-span. We ended up at Chris’s after collecting Dan and his DVD player to watch the film Altered States, something I was looking forward to viewing. I’d seen it about ten years before and had misty visions of a truly warped kind about it. But that’s beside the point because we didn’t watch it in the end. There was Chris Gaz Pierre Dan Laura Sophie and myself and it began in the garden. Chris and Pierre had been smoking their minds all day long and it was not long before we took the plunge into the hallowed reddery of winery. The crimson tide was about to peak, and we were yet to realise it. Laura and Soph made a minor excursion back to their place to collect some deeply destroying alcohol from the dens of Spain, and things upped in both atmosphere and intoxication. After a couple of great tunes Pierre left us, and the girls eased into a flirtation mindset. I was enjoying myself in the early stages, and a couple of opportunities passed me by for some reason that could have been taken advantage of. Guess I was a little drunk. I know this isn’t deeply insightful reportage but much of the conversation is hazy.
Well, Gaz ended up getting fairly pissed off with Dan’s interfering ways. Dan left to walk Soph back home and things took a decidedly awry turn. Chris, Gaz, Laura and I sat in the lounge. Then, for reasons that would escape me if only for the general level of drunkenness, everyone began to speak their thoughts, and I mean really speak their thoughts, apart from me, who looked on in a sort of outside helpless mad awe. It was as if my presence took disembodied form only, a ghostly observer of my friends. Laura looked uncomfortable, realised the time and had Dan take her back home on his return. I felt a bit disheartened by the way things went. For the last couple of weeks I had been innocently enjoying the covert tensions that existed. Now it was all out in the open and things would not be the same. Sometimes it hits me what an unusual state of affairs this whole shithouse has become.


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